Sunday, August 26, 2007


What makes a church? I am no longer attending worship services, but I don't miss them. Corporate worship has never been particularly fulfilling for me, so this is not a major problem. I do need to participate occasionally to remind myself that when we come together in worship we honor an obligation to God. No, for me, my Sunday School class has become my church, the place where I find Christ. We are all over 40 years in age adults, all facing challenges in every day life. I can best sum up our physical attributes by saying an appropriate name for our class would be "The Decrepit." That is not what draws me to this class. What makes me go each Sunday is the honesty and faith I find there. From the ethicist who has doubts about the existence of Christ to the fundamentalist who believes that the Bible was dictated by God, we all find common ground trying to understand Christ and our world. Oh, we argue, think the others are completely wrong, and tell each other so. Nevertheless, there is a concern and love for each other I find no other place. Truly this group is my church.

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